Click Attack! Mac OS
Check System Preferences Mouse pane (or Trackpad pane). For the Mouse pane, make sure the Primary mouse button is set for the one on the left.
Click Attack Mac Os Download
The Control key toggles the 'right-click' with the primary button, when the Control key is pressed down while clicking the primary mouse button (or on a Magic Trackpad). So make sure you are not pressing the Control key inadvertently.
At the DefCon hacker conference Sunday in Las Vegas, Wardle plans to present a devious set of automated attacks he’s pulled off against macOS versions. It is incorrectly implemented for the Mac ctrl-click example because it checks whether e.getModifiers & 0x4 is non-zero. But the flag used for 'command' is also 0x4. So it will report cmd-click as a right-click but won't report ctrl-click as one. Worse yet, cmd-click will also return true to SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton.
Also, if you are using a Magic Trackpad (separate or on a MacBook), the botton portion (along the edge closest to you) is sensitive to clicking on the right side versus left side. The rest of the trackpad is not. So, if you are clicking near that edge closest to you, a click on the right side will be a right-click. It is designed this way, because some people use their thumb along that edge to click (not their 'pointing' finger); on old-school trackpads, physical buttons were located there. So, you can still point with the index finger and click with the thumb on the right or left 'button.' You should be able to adjust this behavior in System Preferences Trackpad pane.
Mac Os Mojave
Aug 22, 2012 7:18 PM